Henri Cartier Bresson
- Photojournalism - Explain what it is
Photojournalism is capturing the news on camera and capturing a moment that words cant say.
- Why is he famous?
He is a famous photojournalist and photographer who took iconic photos.
- Why is his work significant in Photojournalism?
Every picture he took, he waited for the right moment, he didn't force the moment, he waited for it to happen right in front of him so he captured moments that could never be recreated in the same way again.
- Find and upload to your blog some work of theirs

- What Camera/Technique did he use
He used a Leica camera that was a new special designed camera, the Leica camera let you keep both eyes open, one eye looking through the camera and the other watching the world go by so he could catch decisive moments as they happen. He has a technique of waiting for the right moment and making the photo coming to you.